Episode 48: Islamic Principles #15: The Subtle Moment
There is no denying that Islamic law has a lot of literature about slavery and the freeing of slaves (known as manumission). While all Muslim jurists and Muslim majority countries have outlawed slavery, the legal discussions in these sections of the Sharia have utility beyond their original use. In this episode I discuss one such utility, known as the “subtle moment.” While a bit theoretical, it is extremely important in solving some of our more complex, contemporary problems.

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Understanding the Muslim Mind
If we could take all of Islamic intellectual history, what sort of patterns and principles could we deduce? More importantly, if we found someone who actually knew all this information, what would they look like, think like, talk like, etc.?
What is Usuli Islam?
In The Clock of the Long Now, Stewart Brand argues that religion is one of the most durable institutions of civilization that helps ground us all in timeless values. In his concept of the forces of innovation (rapidly changing) and durability (slow changing) of civilization, religion would definitely be amongst the more slow adapting forces.