Making sense of islam with tarek Elgawhary

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Episode 41: Islamic Holidays #4: The Birth of the Prophet

Celebrating the birth of our beloved Prophet ﷺ has been a custom of Muslim communities ever since the time of the Companions. To celebrate and commemorate his birth is to ultimately show thanks and gratitude to God for sending him ﷺ to us as a mercy. There is much to be thankful and happy for on this blessed occasion and over the ages it has served as a source of great spiritual outpouring from scholars and sages to the average pious Muslim.

Episode Notes

Quran Mentioned
The chapter of the Elephant (chapter 105)
“We have not sent you except as a mercy to mankind” (21:107)

Hadith Mentioned
“I am a merciful gift” (al-Dārimī & al-Bayhaqi)

Selected Links
Blog post on the legality of the Mawlid
Seera books in English

  1. Revelation: The Story of Muhammad
  2. Muhammad: His life Based on the Earliest Sources
  3. Seera of Shibli Nomani

Portrait of a Prophet
Khaṣā’iṣ Book of Suyuti
Shifa of Qadi Iyad

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