Making sense of islam with tarek Elgawhary

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Episode 14: The 15th of Sha’ban and the Change of the Qibla

The 15th of Ramadan is also the date we commemorate the change of the qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca. There are a lot of lessons we can learn from this story. I discuss a few in this short clip.

Episode Notes

Quran Mentioned

“We see you turning your face towards the heavens” 2:144
“Ask Allah or ask the Rahman”, 17:110
“Praise be the One who took His servant…” 17:1
“Allah has purchased from us our souls”, 9:111
“If someone comes with false information, verify” 49:6
“Remind, because reminders benefit the believers” 51:55
“If My servant asks about Me, indeed I am near” 2:186


Hadith Mentioned

“Should I not be a grateful servant”, Bukhari and Muslim
“None of us will enter paradise with our actions”, Bukhari
“I am the Prophet, no lie. I am the son of Abdullah”, Bukhari
story of the qibla change, Bukhari
“does the believer lie?” Muwatta’ of Imam Malik
“approach hadd punishments with doubt”, Tirmidhi
“It is enough to be called a liar that you repeat everything you hear”, Muslim

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What is Usuli Islam?
25 July 2019
What is Usuli Islam?

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